Monday, November 12, 2007

My new blog !!

I been thinking this past weeks in starting a blog , but I'm so lazy for writting that I wasn't sure . I wondered what kind of blog start ? I needed one for my etsy shop , people say it's a good way to promote and they convinced me XDD But just posting things I made it seemed to me really boring for people to read so I searched some good blogs and found that the most important thing it's give people some information like news or something to think about !!

I'm going to post about hand made things like new tecniches , tutorials and projects and of course my own work !

I decided to write only in English to improve myself with it and to see if other people can understand what I'm saying !!

Anyway I really think this will help my sales on etsy and my English too .

1 comment:

amycornwell said...

I think your english is great! If I didn't know better, I would have thought that was your native language. Thanks for the sweet comment about the barrettes! Much luck to you!